The Dyson & Dyson Real Estate Journey

Bob Dyson began his entrepreneurial journey as a young professional surfer and Flight Instructor before making groundbreaking achievements in real estate. His early passion for adventure led to a successful career as a Corporate Jet Pilot and Chief Pilot for the Governor of Oklahoma by the age of 20. Simultaneously, Dyson entered the real estate sector, strategically acquiring over 1000 properties across multiple states.

Expanding his influence, Dyson acquired a 500 office real estate franchise and eventually became the sole owner and president of the parent company, Red Carpet Corporation of America, growing the brokerage network to over 1600 offices and 45,000 agents across 42 states. After selling the company in 1985, He and his wife Loraine founded Dyson & Dyson, a high-end residential real estate company in Southern California.

Dyson also continued to thrive in real estate development, with notable projects like Stone Creek Ranch. He also ventured into the news media industry, establishing Dyson News Network (DNN) in 2006, delivering real estate news on a daily and syndicated basis to a vast online audience including all subscribers to Yahoo Mail and Yahoo Finance.

However, facing challenges in the real estate industry, especially with the economic downturn in 2008, Dyson adapted to the changing landscape. He sold off many operations and redirected efforts towards creating a modern real estate relocation company and news network applying todays’ most current Ai technologies.

Dyson's latest venture, the upgraded DNN Real Estate News Network, is an innovative real estate platform with planned Apple or Android apps that provide direct communication between consumers, agents, and service providers.

The New Ai Platform, functioning in Beta since March 5, 2023, officially launched in 2024, utilizing AI and social media broadcast campaigns to reach High-End Property Owners nationwide. Dyson aims to again, revolutionize real estate broadcast, communication and lead generation services through DNN and the Dyson & Dyson Relocation & Referral Network, capitalizing on a new method of monetization using artificial intelligence. He and his associates fully believe that this new real estate model will disrupt the industry for decades to come.